Ocean Youth

Ocean Youth: Empowering Tomorrow’s Ocean Leaders

Ocean Youth (OY) is an empowering initiative that aims to nurture the leaders and change-makers of tomorrow, instilling in them a deep commitment to the conservation and protection of our oceans. This transformative program is specifically designed for high school-aged students and spans a calendar year.

At Ocean Youth, we offer participants a unique opportunity to acquire valuable skills and knowledge that extend beyond the program and into any future workplace. Our focus is on capacity building, nurturing young individuals who harbor a passion for conservation, sustainability, and innovative problem-solving to address critical issues concerning sea life and marine ecosystems.

Throughout the program, participants engage in diverse experiences, including animal keeper and guest interaction sessions. Additionally, they have the privilege of joining field trips and nature-based excursions organized in partnership with reputable organizations. Participants also play a pivotal role in coordinating events and advocating for positive behavioral changes within their communities.

The program extends beyond the walls of the aquarium, offering opportunities to participate in activities such as animal rehabilitation and releases, marketing and public relations initiatives, and the creation and implementation of community conservation campaigns, whenever the occasion arises.

One of the most enriching aspects of Ocean Youth is the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same passion and dedication for our oceans and marine life. We seek to collaborate with Solutionaries and Oceanpreneurs—individuals determined to drive significant positive change for our planet while enjoying the journey.

How to Apply:

Ocean Youth warmly welcomes participants aged between 13 and 18 years to apply for the face-to-face program. The application process is simple and can be completed online through our website.

Joining the Movement from Anywhere:

For those not residing in specific locations, there is still a vibrant opportunity to be part of our global movement. We proudly welcome youth from various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain, Canada, the USA, American Samoa, and other regions across the globe.

Creating Your Online Profile and Becoming an Ocean Youth Advocate:

By creating an online profile on our Ocean Youth platform, you gain free access to a vibrant network of like-minded individuals from around the world. You will also have access to our growing repository of valuable resources. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Create Your Profile: Begin your journey by creating your profile on our platform.
  2. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Explore and connect with others who share your passion for marine conservation.
  3. Change the World for the Better: Together, we can make a significant impact and create positive change for our oceans and marine life.

Embark on this exciting adventure with Ocean Youth and become a catalyst for transforming the future of our oceans. Let us join hands in safeguarding our sea life, preserving marine habitats, and inspiring others to take action for a more sustainable and thriving planet.


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